A big step forward for the location based app Krumb

After beta testing and a study by the Université d'Avignon, Krumb shows off its newest features

Remember Krumb? The Belgian start-up that launched a highly innovative location based app? Well, we're a few months later and Krumb is ready for the next step. Krumb is still the app to share what matters, only where it matters, but now with a brand new interface. And it gets even better: Krumb has some brand new content partners which scatter around digital krumbs as we speak. 

What we've learned from our beta testers ... 

You've been giving us lots of feedback and ... we decided to listen to you. It seems that most of you treat your friends differently from people you don't know. So we made some big changes.

With an application, you’re never finished and we’re constantly looking to improve the Krumb-experience.

Local discovery and your personal feed

From now on, you’ll see content of your personal connections and preferences under the ‘home’-button: Your friends, your family and brands or organizations that you follow. When you want to know what they say, or you’re just not interested in the things unfamiliar people share, this is where you go to.

On the other side you’ll discover content of accounts and every kind of brand- or partner-account which is not directly connected to you, but that adds to the collective memory of a specific place. When you’re in an unknown city or you’re just waiting for the bus, this is the section of Krumb you want to be to explore what other people say about your current location.

Fresh interface and navigation

There’s so much more that has changed that very early krumbers won’t recognise the app anymore. We’ll try to list them up, but discovering it yourselves is the best way to get to know Krumb again.

Every user now has a personal profilepage to display a short bio, website, the amount of followers and krumbs. To easily find friends and new interesting accounts, we totally revamped the invite & follow feature, including users around you, so you know who is active in your neighbourhood. Also the map of your surroundings will be a lot more prominent, with a smooth colourful overlay.

New partners that share our philisophy

To all youngsters, unite! With BILL, your European Youth Card, you get a lot of advantages and reductions. If only you knew where. So, from now on, just open Krumb and check the BILL account. There are hundreds of BILL krumbs that will save you money or help you discover great stuff. 

No, the city of Antwerp wasn't built in a day. And to give us a glimpse of Antwerp's impressive history, FelixArchief has been spreading Krumbs all over the city. Lately they added a great series of krumbs with photos of the legendary photographer Edmond Fierlants. Check the FelixArchief account and relive 1860.

In Ostend, the immense buiding of Mu.ZEE used to be a giant cooperative supermarket decades ago. To show you how this amazing building was used back then, the museum installed beacons in different rooms on different floors. Activate your bluetooth and get super-accurate content, that is linked to the room you're standing in.

And for those culture-seekers out there. DeSingel International Artcampus has spread their permanent collections on Krumb. To make them ... even more permanent. When visiting or passing by, it is now possible to discover the complete stories behind these works of art.

Just grab your phone and open the app to see for yourself, what's actually happening around you.

Lucas Caesens

Chief Technology

About Things World Wide


Mechelsesteenweg 64 B301 2018 Antwerpen

